Wednesday, July 30, 2008
This in turn has resulted in me being very cocky about the ailment and as luck would have it....after 7 straight years of no problems I have now been struck by a bad cough which has resulted into me suffering from a temporary state of breathing trouble....i won't term this asthama though since I was barely able to move when I used to be attacked by the wretched disease....
The above now results into me not being able to attend(most probably) the first two days of college and missing out on some more days of fun which may or may not be something epic(I won't know...coz I am sitting at home with my lungs all jammed up...FLOP)...
Now u guys may all be thinking why i wrote this post....well...I just wanted to tell you that in case you have been regular to my blog....u can expect some regularity from my side now since I am once again what I call USELESS !!!! :D
Thursday, July 17, 2008
On A Train
Here’s my journey back from a long trip to
So…I had been in Bangalore for the past 4 weeks(29 days to be precise)….and after cancelling one ticket back home and another after missing my train….here I am sitting on a side upper birth aboard the Rajdhani express….now…you all must have travelled on trains and it comes without telling that there are a lot of different people on a train…from the petty wallet thief to the wealthy first class guy….and I’ve had my share of train journeys in my life so far but none quite so…well…interesting I must say in my life….so like I said....there were many different people on the train along with me…. I shall start with my co passenger that is the side lower birth…
Side Lower Birth : I call this one Mr. Unsure…you must know at first that I boarded the train at 8.20 pm on 16Th of July…and I had talked to the guy who is considerably older to me…nearer to my dad I would guess….and the first thing I found out was that he was headed for Bhopal which meant that he would mean that his journey was a night shorter than mine….now….there were two reasons for me coming to this nickname for the guy…first I do not know his name and I never ask older people what there names are….second….and the real reason….from the moment he heard that I was headed for Delhi….he seems to have forgotten that his journey ends at Bhopal and seems to be gearing up to go to Delhi….
If you have been noticing the timings of my earlier posts you will notice that I stay up late at nights….and since it doesn’t change now…. I was awake at 4am when the train reached Secunderabad….here I decided to go have a look outside and to my surprise Mr. Unsure was awake and seemed ready to get down for some reason….naturally….since he found me awake he very amiably asked me if I was also going outside for a walk….and a conversation started at almost the end of the night….and amongst this Mr. Unsure says…”I think I’ll get down here and get myself some hyderabadi biryani…then I’ll catch the net train to Bhopal “…. I…..taking this to be a joke…..say that it’s a very good idea and give him my views on the biryani in question…to my surprise Mr. Unsure here gets down and goes around looking for biryani on the station since it’s a known fact that it is available there….after twenty minutes which is about the time the train stops at this station….he returns having failed his mission….says to me that he’ll take his luggage and get off….so that he can find the biryani….well…. I say nothing to this since the train starts off before he can do anything….
After this incident….the both of us go to sleep in our respective seats and in the morning during breakfast….he asks me about what I do in Delhi…upon finding out that I have taken part in plays he shows much interest in the subjects of the plays I’ve been in….one thing leads to another and this is where I find that Mr, Unsure is part of a theatre group which is the reason for his trip to Bhopal….apparently….his nephew is to be a new member of the group along with him and then he’s to go with him to Delhi for one of his plays there….but hearing about my little experience in theatre it seemed that he had decided to skip Bhopal and ask his nephew to come straight to Delhi….this is where I explained to him that all that I had done was small plays in my club and some two plays in my school….and now he seems to be gearing up to get down at his original destination….which leads to the end of this story.
Next comes a family of three….mother, father and daughter….
The Family Of Three : Here….. I see that the daughter has finished school recently and like many of us today is going into engineering as usual….as is normal…..a rain of questions come down on me as they learn that I’m also a part of this world of engineering….the father has the usual questions about how y college is and what my opinion of other colleges is while the daughter has other questions….her questions in order are as follows…
1.) What is the difference between all these colleges ? How are the ranked as they are ?
2.) Is it easy to pass out and get the job once you get into engineering ?
3.) Do you like engineering ?
4.) What is your life like after joining engineering ?
The first couple of questions were easy to answer since they are asked of me very often….but the next two questions is what results in this story….to answer the third question I told her all that I have said in my posts on this blog earlier….for the fourth question….you must know that by this time she knows that I’m not the studious kind and neither am I one of the high scorers…so here she finds out about the soon to be famous and already pretty infamous BASH BROTHERS….she learns about the trips around Delhi….she learns about the love for music…and she learns about the poker, flash and other card games….she learns about the epic nights at Andy’s place and the one and only at Adi’s….she doesn’t seem to have much to say about these though except for the regular stuff….and this is where the story actually starts….uncle(the father that is) learns about the poker games which are played with real money…and this gets his attention….and for the first time I find myself teaching an adult the games of poker flash and blackjack instead of getting lectures about the problems that gambling can cause….so…I teach him poker and flash pretty easily….since he has a liking to these games….and he challenges me to a couple of games in one of which he wins…flash not poker though…I’m pretty good at poker….then we start with the blackjack lessons and to my surprise….he isn’t satisfied by merely learning the game and wants to learn how to count cards in order to beat the dealer….and the both of us practice counting for a while….which results in me being the dealer and father and daughter being the players….we played with bits of paper as chips and although none of us were experts at it…. I found myself to be learning counting…this is where auntie(the mother) steps in and reprimands the two of us(me and uncle) for practicing gambling on the train….both of us laugh it off…and all four of us(uncle,auntie,sarika the daughter) start of with a game of rummy….this is where this where this story ends…but it passes much of my journey and we end at just about the time when Mr. Unsure has finally reached Bhopal and is gearing up to get down….and I am back on my birth writing this post….but I am interrupted in between this by the family of three again…the daughter me and uncle now engage ourselves playing stone paper scissors….
I was very happy having had the most interesting train journey of my life but little did I know that it had a last twist in the end….
The Twist : All this was made up by me in order to pass the time in this excruciatingly painful journey and almost all of it is the way I think would have made it interesting….
The point remains that a train journey from
Thanking you my dear laptop for helping me make the best of this journey…
Yours Truly….
Friday, July 11, 2008
Statutory Warning.....You Figure !!!!
What do you like?
Whisky, vodkas or are you all clear?
Come on old man, you know its fun
Have you been for the one time spun?
Work smoke we now dread
Try a cigarette, instead
What’s for you?
Coke, weed or smoke?
Will you or not dope?
It’s all out there
It’s a part of being
Do the job
Previous to failing.
Here I Am....Rock You Like A Hurricane
Ok…so firstly all you have to know is that I missed my train home due to the freaking Bangalore traffic…so I am still in the exact same position as the past few weeks…except today because of a certain someone(no hidden meanings…just a friend of mine) made the day a lot better than the usual…
So…this post is actually not a post…it’s more of a declaration…I see by some past comments that my writing seems to tell some of the few readers that I want to kill myself and that I have been looking back at my past decisions etc and cursing them…so I just thought that I would clarify that none of these meanings were meant to be…I just guess I’m not that good so that I can get the real meaning out…and as I think…the people that read this blog are all the ones who know me…and are friends or at the very least acquaintances and I thought that they would get the real meaning pretty easily….
That’s all I had to tell….please bear with the obscure writing style….and keep this post in mind before anybody comes up with any conclusions…
Thank you
Keep reading…
P.S : Call me before you die....we'll make some other plans instead...
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
It starts with the point where you’re learning the differences between good and bad…then comes a point where you learn about like and not like…then a gear higher into LAME and COOL(very important amongst us teenagers…don’t you think !!!)…and then comes the important part…when you finally get that mind of yours and you’ve seen some of the world…you start getting your own ideas of good and bad, like and not like, lame and cool….and this is the part where all the problems arise and some are even sorted out….this is the point where some guys become men and some girls become women….this is the point where your parents have trouble keeping up with you and this is the point where you sometimes start thinking yourself to be ‘matured’(true in many cases)…but amongst all this there is always a thought towards the activity called life…at the first phase you want to be everything that is good…in the second you want to be everything you like…in the third you want to be cool…and then in the important phase you figure out or at least try to figure out what you want to be….this is where all that confusion comes onto you…this is where you decide and find out if you have the balls to face life…this is where choices seem to be the worst thing in this world…but this my friend is where it all comes down to…this is what decides if you’ll be a pilot, a businessman, a terrorist, a diplomat….etc….or maybe you just don’t want to go with the system…. I’m not an expert of some kind but I think this point is what decides what is sometimes called destiny…. I mean….you may have done journalism and you may be a singer now….but think to yourself….wasn’t singing the best thing for you when you were at the important phase….a very good example I have from my personal life is Mr. X(a businessman now…he is a real person…but I don’t take the name of any person who’s not in my good friends list)….and when I hear how he was in this age…. I always find that he had less amount of money and he made the most of it….wherever he spent money he got the most out of it….isn’t that what a businessman does….doesn’t he spend his money on the stuff that would get him the most returns….and Mr. X mind you is technically an engineer…. So how does all this sound to you….does it sound right….do you think I’m right….well…. I’ll leave the thinking to you then…. Adios amigo….
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Back after months.
So here I am....I've been out of my hometown(Delhi) for the past couple of weeks and haven't really got a lot of stuff to do here in Bangalore so this is what I did...I thought about myself and some close family.
In the course of my trip I have been feeling a bit different about all started with someone I met on the train on the way here...and it got fueled by another someone I met here...while I don't remember the names of any of those two people I do remember that they were both woman(girls rather.....woman are hard to find)...
Now....I've always been thinking that my life does not and will not go according to the system...I can not go by this system....and until I grew up to what I am now...I have been doing exactly as I thought...well....most of the times....and now that I have grown...I have been spot parents want me to study hard get a job and be successfull...but I remember asking myself in class getting a job and being rich really what you call successfull...will all the money in the world make me what I want to be or will I be just another pawn of the this is what I did...I played(still am) with my life...I've watched people...observed them...from a little boy with ambitions to a just got a job engineer to a grown up man supporting his family well....and my observations state that all of them are not what I want to become...simply's not money that I's maybe if I don't have money I will die young...maybe even before thirty...but does it really make a difference...this is when I really doesn' know...there are people who earn well and can do a lot with their money...but there lives all have a simple routine....wake up...go to work...come back home...argue with the wife...go to it again...but sir...I wake up...I look up at the sun...and for a while everything goes dark for me...and in that darkness...I realise...ok...I want to do this today...I don't look for company...I just go and do I'm sure my friends would love to do a lot of stuff that they don't know me doing...but what the hell...I can't wait to tell them...they have their lives like they want...they don't complain...there's only one time that I will think about this thought in the morning....and that is when I think that ok I wanna go up to the top floor...jump off it and die...that is when I'll stop myself and think if at that point I really am happy...if the answer I give myself is yes...then what the hell...go ahead with it...if no...then...look at the sun again....and till that time I will take my life to be awesome as hell and I'll go ahead with it.
Maybe what I do is all a big mistake...maybe it's a bad thing...but hey...good and bad are just I say....onwards sailor...
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
A New Post
Well this is about a journey...a journey that I undertook...the consequences of which would seem to be different to different people...
Since I was small many people have known me(and I mean many)...but there have been only a handful who have realized that studying(in the way this system teaches) is not my cup of tea....
When I was a bit young I was made to do a lot of things that I wouldn't have done if I would have been what I am now since birth....but then...if you ask me...they had there advantages....
Now then...towards the end of class 10th I decided that Mass Comm or English Honors is what I should if u know me and u are reading this u may be thinking why I took up science...simple answer...I decided that I would like to find out why people are goin into engineering for there it only the money or is there something else that drives that was that...I got into this college...The School Of Engineering(the easiest one...I'm not studying remember)...what the hell could have most I wouldn't have liked what I found in engg....but then I ain't one of a kind...there ought to be someone of my kind that does the same as me....well...I did find them...but alas...every good thing has it's drawbacks...none of them were in my here I was....stuck in now it was on with my journey....
The School Of Engineering : College is supposed to be a new place where you meet many new and different kinds of people right...well...not meet many new people all right but if you have met one of them...u have met almost all(or they all behave as if they are all the same) I can't really describe them...since I'm not sure if it's just me or are they actually as bad as I find them to be...can college be this bad...this isn't what I had heard till today...from the teachers to the students...all have that one thing in common...they are all stupid...
Now I have never till date even dared to think myself to be better than somebody that I meet the first time...but this just makes me do so....
So that's it....I'm stuck here...and I don't really mind...I mean sometimes experiments go wrong...I've never believed in god...but I have found my the form of some people I know...some new...some old...
Q. Why did I write this ??
A. I have my reasons....